24 May, 2010

On survey forms and freebies

Who doesn't want to receive some freebies and who does want to fill out those pages and pages of survey forms?
A bout a week ago, I dropped by The Body Shop to buy some stuff. As I was paying for my purchases the lady at the counter asked me if I could spare a few minutes to answer some survey forms. My instant answer was "no", but I was really polite and told her that maybe I'll do it some other time. But she was like.. "please, it wont take long and it will help us improve our services, especially for customers like you." It was only then I realized that it was a survey for Love Your Body Club members.

And as a member, I thought maybe I'll give it a few minutes. Who knows they might give away more reward points and vouchers to the members in the future. The lady also told me that she was giving me a surprise gift, sort of a reward for taking time to answer those questions. So, I went on and tried to read and answer the 4-page questionnaire. I handed her the forms soon after I finished answering the last question. She then handed me a 250 ml bottle of Olive shower gel. Yeah it was not bad after all. At least it saved me a few bucks, just enough for a small tube of vitamin E eye cream which I'm getting maybe tomorrow as I'm running out of eye cream already :)

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